Monday, March 9, 2020

Sociology Outline Essays

Sociology Outline Essays Sociology Outline Essay Sociology Outline Essay Essay Topic: Communist Manifesto Characteristics of the Sociological Perspective seeing the strange in the familiar seeing the general in the particular understanding cause and effect at the group level understanding the effect of the social environment on the individual The Mathew Effect- Phrase was coined by Robert Merton. We take people that have initial advantages (i. e. money) and it takes people who start with disadvantages (poor) it penalizes them. Ex. Rich get low interest rates on loans, poor get high interest rates from banks. 3. -Social marginality Social crises – ex. Hurricane makes your realize how much you depend on everyone else for everything. i. e. food, water, truck drivers. 4. August Comte – Founded sociology as a discipline. French social thinker coined the term â€Å"sociology† The scientific method of psychology. Positivism – faith in science and reason as the path to knowledge to TRUTH. The Enlightenment – late 1600’s to early 1 700’s – Period in European history in which science/reason replaced faith/religion as the dominant values in society or the dominant way of knowning. Industrial Revolution -new technologies -capitalism (Adam Smith 1776 wealth of a nation) -urbanization -Shift from extended family to nuclear family -Rise of representative democratic government (replacing autocratic monarchies) Karl Marx – Communist Manifesto (1848) -In a capitalist economy a recession occurs when the workers are not paid enough to buy back their product they’re producing. i. e increase workers wages. -In a capitalist economy the only thing that is collectively owned is the national debt. 9. Dramaturgical analysis compares social life to a play or theatrical performance Paradigm effect: the idea that our belief systems affect how we see and experience the world. We do not see â€Å"reality† in its entirety but through our paradigm filters. Affecting how the world â€Å"shows up† for us (Thomas Kuhn) 10. Positivist Sociology the study of society based on a scientific observation of social behavior. Interpretive Sociology: Focuses on discovering the meanings people attach to their social world. Critical Sociology: focuses on the need for change 11. Done in 1970’s and a sociology professor put an ad in the paper. Concluded: prison deviance arises from the social structure (environment) of prison 12. Book is by William Whyte – Look on page 27 * first ethnographic study in sociology. 13. Early 1960’s – Study of the homosexual public restroom subculture Controversial b/c he told the gay men that heir wife’s wouldn’t find out and he ended outing them. 14. Hawthorne effect: the effect research has on people when they know they are being studied. (Biggest issue in the qualitative research) Among the thugs by bill butord -Study of English soccer hooligans Qualitative methodsEthnography- a qualitative description of a group or subcultureIssues: Open vs Closed (informed vs undercover)Participant/observer balanceHarm to self/subjectsHawthrone EffectEthnographiesStreet Corner SocietyWilliam Foste WhyteTea Room TradeLaud Humpries-compared ethical standardsAmong the thugsBill Buford-soccer hooligans| Quantitative MethodsSurvey/questionnaire researchIssues: (in question design)-Validity – Actually measuring what you intend to measure-Reliability – t1 = t2 consistency in measurement- Value-Free Wording – neutral unbiased questionsPopulation – Group you are studyingSample – Proportion of the population given questionnaire. -SAMPLE MUST BE REPRESENTATIVEXYSpurious correlation| Spurious correlation is when you think that one thing is causing another thing to happen when in reality it’s a 3rd thing causing it.